Carboys Gallons

Carboys Gallons We offer carboys gallons for the fermentation of wines, liqueurs, beers and meads. This type of processing is used by small manufactures and individual producers. The method of fermentation in a glass balloon allows experimentation with the flavors of the resulting wine. Glass gallons - types The most popular are narrow-necked glass gallons and wide-necked glass gallons. Fermentation is also not their only use. After the process of converting sugars into alcohol is completed, many winemakers store the mature alcohol in such containers. This type of fermentation is also recommended for the production of ciders, where the only production raw material is apple juice. Carboy gallons these are vessels with a minimum capacity of 5 liters, and the largest up to 54 liters. There are those with a narrow and a wide inlet opening. The narrower ones are most often used to ferment the juice that has already been extracted from the fruit. The wider ones can be successfully used to produce alcohol using pieces of fruit, and separating them in the fermentation process is simpler and faster. To use gallons, it is necessary to buy fermentation plugs and tubes that will ensure no gas exchange.  


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